A Story in Words and Images from Cassa Banana Informal Settlement, Zimbabwe- TARSC, ZIMBABWE, CBCHC AND COMMUNITY PHOTOGRAPHERS
Background The Training and Research Support Centre (TARSC) and Zimbabwe Association of Doctors for Human Rights (ZADHR) has reported on different platforms of COPASAH and in the COPASAH Communique earlier, as how Participatory Action Research (PAR) was used in the Cassa Banana community to explore, analyze and take action on priority health problems faced by […]
COPASAH at the Learning Exchange: Transparency/Accountability Strategies & Reproductive Health Delivery Systems-Accountability Research Centre(American University) E. Premdas Pinto, Renu Khana, Walter Flores
-COPASAH at the Learning Exchange: Transparency/Accountability Strategies & Reproductive Health Delivery Systems- Accountability Research Centre, School of International Service (American University), Washington DC A Learning Exchange on Transparency/Accountability strategies and reproductive health delivery systems was recently held on June 27 and 28, 2016. This learning exchange was convened by Accountability Research Center, School of International Service, […]
Cross-learning in the accountability of public health & nutrition services in South Asia- MAVC, IDS (COPASAH jointly facilitated online discussion)
Issue The health and nutrition accountability sector in South Asia is a rich and vibrant field, with a great deal to offer in terms of innovation and best practice – but it still performs relatively poorly on health and nutrition indicators. A range of accountability initiatives have been implemented in the health and nutrition sector, […]
Strengthening Mutual Exchanges and Solidarity in East Southern Africa Region-Robinah Kaitiritimba
Strengthening Mutual Exchanges and Solidarity in East Southern Africa Region – Community of Practitioners on Accountability and Social Action in Health BackgroundCOPASAH is a global community of practitioners on accountability and social action in health. It strives for communities actively engaging in promoting account-ability and transforming health systems towards the realization of wellbeing dignity and […]
Improving Family Planning Services through Community Scorecards in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Gulbaz Ali Khan, Mudassir
An initiative in Family Planning Services from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa , Pakistan suggests that citizen led performance monitoring employing community scored cards is leading to improvement in health services. Improving Family Planning Services through Community Score Cards in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa – Community of Practitioners on Accountability and Social Action in Health BackgroundPakistan is one of the fastest growing […]
Learning about Mobilizing Accountability: Updates from a TALEARN/COPASAH Learning Collaboration-Brendan Halloran
BackgroundAs I sit down to write about the role of social movements and grassroots organizations for state accountability, I’m drawn to reflect on the significance of today, January 25, 2016. Five years ago, thousands, and eventually millions, of Egyptians took to the street to protest a corrupt and illegitimate regime. Tahrir Square became the epicenter […]
Moving from knowledge to practice in the accountability field- Walter Flores (Guatemala)
Moving From New Knowledge to New Practice* For about ten years now, my team and I have been working on strengthening the accountability of public services for rural indigenous populations in Guatemala. During this time, we certainly have seen an evolution in the theory and practice of accountability. We started with an aim to strengthen […]
Citizens of V K Salagar, Karnataka (India) reclaim their Primary Health Centre-KJC(Karnataka People’s Health Movement)
Citizens of V K Salagar, Aland Taluk, Kalburgi district, Karnataka (India) reclaim their Primary Health Centre Following the state government’s decision to take back all the Primary Health Centres (PHCs) from NGOs and other private entities, the people of VK Salagar in Aland taluk of Kalburgi district in state of Karnataka (India) held a public […]
The Power of Community Initiative to Increase Access to Health Care: The People of Roma Set the Way -TEODORA KRUMOVA, Bulgaria
The Roma Community in Bulgaria faces one of the most severe exclusions in access to health. The health status of Roma is significantly lower than that of the majority of the population of Bulgaria. Bridging the health gap requires intervention from both the Roma community and health system institutions. Since 2011, the CenterAmalipe, a national […]
Ebola, Zika, MDGs and SDGs…
Shifting Polices and a Clarion Call for the Accountability of Non-State Actors in Health Policies E.PREMDAS PINTO Shifting sands’… This term could best describe the ever shifting global health policies and priorities in recent years. Within a short span of time the buzzwords in health and health care have changed several times – health as a […]