Impact of Malnutrition and Hunger in Raichur District of Karnataka (India) is one of the southern states of Indian subcontinent. As per details from Census 2011, Karnataka has population of 6.11 Crores, an increase of 5.29 Crore in 2001 census. It shares its border with Maharashtra in North, Goa and Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu and Kerala with South and Arabian Sea forms […]
Social Accountability Initiative in Kenya: Snapshot of HERAF’s Accountability Practice
Health Rights Advocacy Forum (HERAF) is a non-governmental organization that works through strategic partners in the form of Health Professionals Bodies and Associations, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), Patients’ Organizations, Faith Based Organizations (FBOs), Research Institutions and Universities involved in health issues, HIV&AIDS and Human Rights Networks among others to advocate for health as a fundamental human […]
Community Based Monitoring in Bulgaria- Amalipe(Bulgaria)
Community Monitoring of Healthcare Services in Bulgaria The Amalipe Centre for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance has initiated Community Monitoring with community mobilization and follow up advocacy of healthcare services delivered at grassroots level in Roma community across 7 municipalities in different regions. The main aim of the community monitoring has been to empower the local Roma […]
Empowering Citizens to Demand for their Health Rights- UNHCO (Uganda)
UNHCO’s initiatives empower citizens to demand Right to Health in Uganda- About the initiative – With the support of Open Society Initiative for Eastern Africa (OSIEA), Uganda National Health User’s/Consumer’s Organization (UNHCO) is involved in initiatives focusing upon empowerment of communities to demand and participate in improvement of health services delivery since 2008. With these […]
Practitioner-researcher -donor -as a learning triad: THE DIALECTICS OF ADDRESSING TRIANGULAR LEARNING NEEDS AS ‘A LEARNING COMMUNITY’ E. Premdas Pinto, COPASAH
This was my second annual meeting and a fourth formal meeting with the TALearn associates in the last three years. The annual meeting organised in Rio from 11-14 November, 2015 provided a further opportunity to build bridges with practitioners, researchers and donor/grant makers. The interactions of three sub-communities within the overarching theme of TALearn community, […]
The Eclipse of State Accountability in the Global Reference: List of 100 Core Indicators by World Health Organisation- E.Premdas Pinto
The recent Global Reference List of 100 Core Health Indicators is a standard set of 100 indicators prioritized by the global community to provide concise in formation on the health situation and trends, including responses at national and global levels. World Health Organisation (WHO) has recently proposed the Global Reference List of 100 Core Health Indicators […]
Participatory Audit and Planning of Rogi Kalyan Samiti (Patient Welfare Committee) Funds in Maharashtra(India)- Dr Nitin Jadhav
‘Social Audit’ as a process is now well known in India, especially in the context of the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act. Today, social audit has provided a platform for ensuring accountability and transparency in the Employment Guarantee scheme. This process provides a space for dialogue between beneficiaries and service providers.The word “Audit” has its origins from […]
Community Monitoring and Advocacy: A Spirit of Activism in Treatment of Drug Dependency in Macedonia:Vlatko Dekov, Irena Cvetkovic, Vanja DimitrievsKI
Experiences from Skopje, Macedonia highlight that community monitoring and advocacy has improved the quality of treatment in the drug dependence treatment programs, arousing the spirit of activism in people. Community Monitoring and Advocacy: Community Monitoring and Advocacy methodology (CMA), in its broadest sense means an active involvement of a given community in the monitoring of […]
SDGs -Behind the hype, NO ACCOUNTABILITY to Walk the Talk: Is it a DELUSION OF GRANDEUR at scale?(E.Premdas -COPASAH Global Sectt.)
SDGs -Behind the hype, NO ACCOUNTABILITY to Walk the Talk: Is it a DELUSION OF GRANDEUR at scale?(E.Premdas -COPASAH Global Sectt.)
HEALTH ACCOUNTABILITY CAN LEAD THE WAY – Accountability and Sustainable Development Goals- E.Premdas (COPASAH Global Sectt.)
Accountability is again at the focus as there is a transition from Millenium Development Goals (MDG) to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015 were brought to close (25 – 27 September 2015) in New York for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda. The new 17 goals, have now […]