A Long Walk to Access Health Service: The Plight of the Seriously Ill in Tanzanian village of Lupingu- Sauli Giliard
Experiences from Lupingu village of Ludewa district in Tanzania suggest difficulties of expectant mothers, seriously ill and people living with HIV/AIDS in accessing the health services, where they have to walk two days to access health services. Majority residents opine about the gross neglect and ignorance by the people’s representatives and the failure to bring […]
Strengthening Citizen Activism through Water User Committees in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa– Gulabz Ali Khan
A small village in Abbottabad in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region of Pakistan is working to strengthen citizens’ engagement for the provision of water supply through Water User Committee The provision of drinking water supply has often been marred by multiple problems in remote rural villages in Pakistan. Most of these issues also pertain to absence of citizen […]
Community Defenders of the Right to Health in Guatemala – Walter Flores
Community defenders of the Right to Health in Guatemala have been engaging in strategic advocacy with municipal, provincial and national government with explicit demands to eliminate barriers to access and the discrimination experienced by rural indigenous families when seeking healthcare. Centro de Estudiospor la Equidad y Gobernanza en los Sistemas de Salud (CEGSS) has been […]
Social Audit of Ante-Natal Care Services among Roma Women in Macedonia-BORJAN PAVLOVSKI
The social audit initiative of Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women (ESE), in association with KHAM and CDRIM, partner organizations, have worked on the issues of immunization of Roma children in Macedonia. This has led women to question the health service providers about the insufficient coverage of the Roma community in immunisation. This […]
COPASAH–Moving Ahead as a Community of Practitioners, Globally- Abhijit Das
Greetings from the new COPASAH Global Secretariat. The last edition (8th) of the COPASAH Communiqué (Newsletter) was made to coincide with the 3rd Global Symposium on Health Systems Research (GSHSR) in Cape Town, and we are happy to report that all COPASAH products were very well received during the Symposium. The focus of the 3rd […]
Budget Bites- March 2015 -Newsletter of Africa Health Budget Network
Please find the March 2015 edition of the Africa Health Budget Network -Budget Bites, March 2015 AHBN Budget Bites March 2015 Download ABHN Newslettter
Community Strengthening for a People Centered Primary Health Care System: The Case of Cassa Banana Community in Zimbabwe
The report highlights the use of Participation Reflection and Action (PRA) techniques to work with a representation of community members of Cassa Banana in Zimbabwe, who remain underserviced in terms of their right to health, clean water and sanitation, despite these rights being embedded in the new Zimbabwe Constitution. The PRA techniques were used with […]
‘Budget Bites’ maiden newsletter of Africa Health Budget Network launched
Africa Health Budget Network has Launched its maiden edition of newsletter ‘BUDGET BITES’.The newsletter, BUDGET BITES contains news and information on health budget from across Africa and news on health budgets, success stories from Kenya, and stories on other themes. Africa Health Budget Network is a group of African and global organizations and individuals already using […]
Global Health Watch report of the People’s Health Movement network
Updates of COPASAH South Asia Innovative Use of Technologies (ICTs) for Community Monitoring to Enhance Health Rights of the Community
COPASAH – ICT Capacity Building Workshop, January 8-10, 2015 – Bhopal Brief Summary of the capacity building workshop In the COPASAH South Asia ‘Innovative Use of ICTs for Community Based Monitoring in Health’ capacity building workshop conducted from Jan 8 – 10, 2015, COPASAH groups (social media) in India of community practitioners including that of Karnataka, […]