
Promoting Accountability for Maternal Health through Report Card

This article highlights experiences from two blocks of Dahod district, Gujarat, India and delineates how Social Accountability mechanisms on quality of maternal health such as maternal health monitoring tools and Village Health and Nutrition Day monitoring check lists can increase the awareness of community women on maternal health and health entitlements. Read More

Community Action in Health Service Delivery in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan

The article, Community Action in Health Service Delivery in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan authored by Gulbaz  Aki Khan, encapsulates experiences  of a  pilot project initiated in the year 1999 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan, which showed the way for the formation of Primary Care Management Committee with community volunteers as well as healthcare providers as […]

COPASAH – South Asia Innovative Use of Technologies (ICTs) for Community Monitoring to Enhance Health Rights of the Community (Workshop)

COPASAH – South Asia Innovative Use of Technologies (ICTs) for Community Monitoring to Enhance Health Rights of the Community (Workshop) Date:   January 8, 9 & 10, 2015         Venue: Bhopal               No of participants: 30 Context Community of Practitioners on Accountability and Social Action in Health (COPASAH) is a global network of practitioners with a common interest and passion for […]

Reclaiming Public Health through Community based Monitoring​: Paper (on behalf of Municipal Services Project)

COPASAH communication hub, is sharing  a paper, Reclaiming Public Health through Community based Monitoring, published as part of Municipal Services Project on request of Madeleine Bélanger Dumontier, Project Manager for Municipal Services Project. The paper is on Community Based Monitoring and Planning in Health care delivery services. It draws upon international experiences and in particular experiences […]

COPASAH virtual forum: Engaging marginalized communities in the process of accountability in health: challenges and lessons learned -Walter Flores

COPASAH communication hub, is sharing the information on virtual forum with you on behalf of Walter Flores Through the collaboration between COPASAH and GPSA, Walter Flores is facilitating a virtual forum entitled: “Engaging Marginalized Communities in the Process of Accountability in Health: Challenges and lessons learned”. The description of the forum is as follows: In many […]

GLOBAL HEALTH WATCH 4 – Alternative World Health Report (Released)

GLOBAL HEALTH WATCH 4 Alternative World Health Report released This Report Underlines the need to reorient global governance,build public health systems AMSTERDAM, CAPE TOWN, FRANKFURT, LONDON, MEXICO CITY, PENANG, 13 November 2014: With the world still battling the Ebola outbreak, the evidence of a clear link between the inability of affected countries to deal with the […]

WPP Publications on Masculinities and Peacebuilding- Links

Dear members and friends, Please find information we are sharing on behalf of Women Peacemakers Program (WPP):on resources on Masculinities  and Peacebuilding. regards COPASAH Communication Hub Links to the publications of the Women Peacemakers Program (WPP): WPP is an organization working  since 2009 on the issue of Masculinities and Peacebuilding on several levels: Capacity building; networking and movement building; […]

Society is paying the price of aggressive machismo: Dr Abhijit Das

The article by Dr. Abhijit Das, ‘Society is paying the price of aggressive machismo’ featured in  Hindustan Times on October 26, 2014. Society is paying the price of aggressive machismo – Dr Abhijit Das  “Road rage is a common phenomenon in Delhi. A 2013 study on the issue found it to be one of the main reasons for […]

Article link by Jashodhara (COPASAH) and coordinator of SAHAYOG -The Precariat: why it needs deliberative democracy

Greetings from COPASAH communication hub ! Please find herewith feedback on an article ‘Active Citizenship through Bottom up Knowledge Generation and Peer Learning of  Dr.Abhijit Das) by Jashodhara (COPASAH) and coordinator of SAHAYOG) : While engaging in promoting active citizenship and deepening democracy, we need to also understand the shifts in the nature of state-society relations […]