‘Generating Evidence for Accountability and Social Mobilisation, through Community Ethnographers’
Authored by: Walter Flores, Silvia Sánchez and Julia Delgado the article ‘Generating Evidence for Accountability and Social Mobilisation, through Community Ethnographers’ explores a participatory-action research initiative of the Centre for the Study of Equity and Governance in Health Systems (CEGSS), a civil society organisation based in Guatemala. The participatory-action research exercise highlights the use of […]
Strengthening Community Focused, Primary Healthcare-oriented Approaches to Social Accountability and Action
Authored by Barbara Kaim et.al the article ‘Strengthening Community Focused Primary Health Care –Oriented Approaches to Social Accountability and Action’ highlights experiences of participatory reflection and action (PRA) through the medium of two case studies from Tanzania and Zimbabwe respectively. It reflects that access to resources and uptake of services at Primary health care level need both […]
The detailed report of the third South Asia region -Facilitated Learning Exchange (FLE) under COPASAH in India, organised from September 18-20, 2014 at Nagpur in the state of Maharashtra, with SATHI as the host organisation describes experience of learning about community action in nutrition services besides sharing of experiences by social accountability practitioners from across […]
8th Newsletter – COPASAH
The Eighth edition of the newsletter contains articles from India, Peru, Pakistan,Uganda, Zimbabwe , Macedonia and Guatemala on the engagement of COPASAH members. This issue covers innovations in practice from around the world and also updates about the facilitated learning exchange facilitated by COPASAH and participation of COPASAH members in the upcoming global symposium on […]
COPASAH Update on GSHSR, Cape Town
1st October 2014 – Session on Building People Centred Health Systems Through the Social Empowerment of Marginalised Populations: Moving from Theory to Practice This COPASAH organised session at the GSHSR at Capetown, South Africa was well attended. E.Premdas Pinto from India chaired the session. Water Flores (Guatemala), Geoffrey (Uganda) and Renu (India) shared experiences of their engagement with the […]
COPASAH at the 3rd Global Health Systems Research Symposium, Cape Town, South Africa
COPASAH has organised two sessions at the GSHR. One, in partnership withEquinet on participatory research and action for people centred healthsystems. This event took place on 30th September, 2014. Dr. Abhijit Das(CHSJ, India), the incoming global coordinator and Dr. Walter Flores (CEGGS,Guatemala) made presentations on behalf of COPASAH.COPASAH has also set up a table in […]
Active Citizenship through Bottom up Knowledge Generation and Peer Learning- Abhijit Das
This article by Dr Abhijit Das, CHSJ briefly surmises the overview of COPASAH member practitioners’ efforts towards Community based Accountability practices across several countries for increasing people’s participation including demand for public services, improving program efficiency as well as promoting public program accountability. Click here to view the Article – Dr Das article
South Asia region third Facilitated Learning Exchange (FLE) visit to Nagpur under COPASAH in India.
Dear Friends, Greetings on behalf of COPASAH! We are sharing with you a brief summary report of the South Asia region third Facilitated Learning Exchange (FLE) visit to Nagpur under COPASAH in India. With a view to promote the perspective of peer learning and sharing experiences in community action in the South Asia region, the […]
The detailed report of the third South Asia region -Facilitated Learning Exchange (FLE) under COPASAH in India, organised from September 18-20, 2014 at Nagpur in the state of Maharashtra, with SATHI as the host organisation describes experience of learning about community action in nutrition services besides sharing of experiences by social accountability practitioners from across […]
COPASAH Communique April – June 2014
The seventh edition of COPASAH Communiqué contains articles on practice of accountability in health from India, Africa and other parts of the world as well as updates on the engagement of COPASAH members. The updates on the facilitated learning exchange initiated by COPASAH, the COPASAH accountability lab and participation of COPASAH members in the upcoming global symposium […]