
Case Study 3

Citizen Monitoring to Promote the Right to Health Care and Accountability – Ariel Frisancho and Maria Luisa Vasquez

CARE (Peru), ForoSalud and COPASAH have prepared the case study on citizen monitoring to promote the right to health care and accountability. In the context of Peru where transparency and accountability is still a challenge, citizen health care monitoring is promoted as  a mechanism of citizen participation   aimed at monitoring and verifying compliance with the duties, obligations and commitments of state authorities and public servants in the health care of the population. Citizen monitoring promotes transparency and accountability which are essential for good governance and democracy.  The case-study is a demonstration of this process of citizen engagement in building accountable systems.  The positive aspects of this case study is that it  provides lessons  for the of universal health care and it focuses on the key importance of strategic alliances with public  and civil society  actors to strengthen the capacity of rural women’s agency and to address unequal power relations. The principles of the International Human Rights framework have been used at the local level in an effort to strengthen the quality of care provided in health care services.  This report exemplifies  the accountability approach based on dialogue and the promotion of good governance.