The paper mainly deal with social accountability of private healthcare services in developing countries, with a focus on India as an example. The idea of social accountability of private healthcare services is discussed as follows‐
• Firstly, the rationale and perspective related to need for social accountability of private healthcare services
• Secondly, propositions about likely steps and processes by which social accountability of private healthcare services could be developed in developing countries
• Thirdly, examples of some efforts made towards building social accountability of private healthcare services in developing countries and lessons learnt from them.
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Authors: Giulietta Luul Balestra, E. Premdas Pinto
This paper summarises the findings of research undertaken with the aim of mapping the field of social accountability in health in East and Southern Africa (ESA) from a practitioners’ perspective. The research was conducted on behalf of the Community of Practitioners for Accountability and Social Action in Health (COPASAH).
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