The Transparency for Development project, is attempting to search answers to some questions like How Can citizens and communities fill an important gap in improving health services and outcomes? How can people be empowered and supported to hold their doctors, midwives, and governments accountable for better health care?
The Transparency for Development initiative is sharing some of the current lessons from its project in a series of blog posts.
The first of the posts is shared by Senior Program Director, Courtney Tolmie; Results for Development Institute. The first post has been published by The Harvard Kennedy School Ash Center and R4D blogs. The forthcoming posts in the series will be sharing information on evaluation, learning, pilot take-away, intervention design work, and the several lessons learnt.
The first post can be accessed on:
Courtney Tolmie
Senior Program Director
Results for Development Institute
Tel: 1-202-290-4730
Skype: courtney.tolmie
Twitter: @courtneytolmie
Disclaimer: The views expressed here are of the author and T4D initiative.