We are happy to announce that the fifth edition of COPASAH Communique, the newsletter of COPASAH is out now!
The fifth edition of the newsletter is a rich resource of material on community monitoring. It contains articles from India, Macedonia, Africa, Latin America and updates from the African region. This issue covers case stories, articles, innovations in practice from around the world and also updates about the African and South Asian COPASAH workshops.
The newsletter covers a wide range of experiences from around the globe and the newsletter has innovations in practice, articles and also updates regarding the COPASAH South Asia, Africa as well as from South America.
The newsletter is attached with this mail. It is also available online and can be downloaded from http://www.copasah.net/october—december2013.html.
I hope you will enjoy reading the newsletter and the insights, valuable learnings that it provides.
Please send in your comments and feedback to us.
Best Regards
COPASAH Secretariat Team