South Asia Sharing and Documenting ICTs Experiences Workshop
COPASAH recently convened a three day South Asia Sharing and Documenting ICTs Experiences Workshop- in Vadodra of Gujarat (India) from July2-4, 2015. The workshop saw 32 grassroots practitioners from across six diverse linguistic states, exchanging their experiences on use of ICT for social accountability. The value addition in the workshop was capacity building of practitioners on video making/editing […]
Are we Really Learning? Making Grant-Making Practices more Conducive to Grantee Learning
This is an interesting question and from my perspective it needs to integrate three different domains or peculiarities. The first of course is related to the field of social accountability, the second to the issue of learning and then that of funders and their priorities. I have been a grounded practitioner for over 25 years […]
Strengthening the Citizen’s Role in Governance through Social Accountability- Report on Global Partners Froum- 2015 – Abhijit Das
The second Global Partners Forum( of the Global Partnership on Social Accountabilty(GPSA) was organised in Washington DC on the 12th and 13th of May 2015. The World Bank, which coordinates the GPSA, has currently included Citizen Engagement as a key element for all its support programmes. Within the overall framework of Citizen Engagement it sees Social Accountability as crucial […]
Right to Public Services Act in Pakistan: The Path to Accountability, Transparency and Action – Gulbaz Ali Khan
The Right to Public Services Act passed in January 2014 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan promises provision of time bound services to its citizens and attempts to raise service delivery standards and responsiveness of the service providers and implement effective enforcement mechanisms. Public Laws: IntroductionGuaranteeing time-bound public service delivery has shown encouraging impacts in countries […]
Promoting social accountability through the use of picture materials for non-literate women in Uttar Pradesh, India- Jashodhara Dasgupta, Senior Adviser, SAHAYOG
This post is part of collaborative blog series, titled “Social accountability and community mobilization for maternal health,” hosted by Maternal Health Task Force (MHTF), COPASAH and the Centre for Health and Social Justice (CHSJ). High rates of maternal mortality in many parts of northern India persist owing to an inadequately equipped public health system compounded by disrespectful and negligent treatment […]
Why we need legal accountability for maternal health- Kerry McBroom,Human Rights Law Network, India
Why we need legal accountability for maternal health- Kerry McBroom,Human Rights Law Network, India This post is part of collaborative blog series, titled “Social accountability and community mobilization for maternal health,” hosted by Maternal Health Task Force (MHTF), COPASAH and the Centre for Health and Social Justice (CHSJ). This post delves into the aspects of use of legal accountability negotiation of health rights […]
Community Based Monitoring on Quality of Care in Family Planning Service- Nibedita Phukan
Experiences of Family Planning Programme from 50 selected villages of 10 districts of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, India mapped through CBM approach highlight concerns of lack of quality of care and informed choice. The experiences suggest accountability issues and challenges in terms of gaps in service delivery of family planning. Quality of Care and informed […]
User Opinion Poll on COPASAH Communication Platforms
A quick opinion poll on COPASAH communication platforms and knowledge products including the COPASAH Communiqué, cases studies and issue papers was conducted in end of February2015. Social accountability practitioners and readers from diverse backgrounds and nationalities including that of Republic of Kenya, Macedonia, Pakistan, Nepal, United Kingdom, Zambia, India, Bangladesh and Bulgaria provided their insights. […]
Accountability of Men and Boys for Gender Justice- 2nd MenEngage Global Symposium Secretariat
Gender equality is not only an issue of interest to women. Rather, it’s a concern for everyone – young and old, men and women. With this agenda at its core, the 2nd MenEngage Global Symposium 2014 – Men and Boys for Gender Justice, held in New Delhi from November 10 to 13, 2014; sought to […]
eLearn-HealthCBM – COPASAH Global Secretariat
A COPASAH resource for practitioners of social accountability in health The Community Action and Health Rights (CAHR) team comprising of the Programme Director, Research and Advocacy Director and Programme Officer of Centre for Health and Social Justice (CHSJ), with technical support from the Director, Dr Abhijit Das of CHSJ and in house web-design expertise worked […]