Indian state of Chhattisgarh recently witnessed the tragic loss of 13 young women during sterilization surgeries conducted in one of the routine female sterilization camps held on November 8 2014 in the Takhatpur block of Bilaspur district of the state. News reports outlined that Eighty-three surgeries were conducted by one surgeon in about six hours in the camp, a number much higher than the limit of thirty surgeries per day as prescribed by the Government of India guidelines for female sterilization. The deaths during the sterlization camps in India, reiterated the concerns around coercion and poor quality of care, especially with regard to female sterilization.
Following the incident the Civil society on its part has taken different initiatives to express concern over the issue by issuing statements, organizing protest marches, carrying out fact finding missions, holding press conferences and writing articles on the issue. One such collaborative endeavour has been carried out in form of Fact finding report on sterilization deaths in Bilaspur district of Chhattisgarh – titled ‘Camp of Wrongs’ by the National Alliance for Maternal Health and Human Rights, Sama Resource Group for Women and Health and Jan Swasthya Abhiyan.
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