
“Challenges and Good Practices in Drug-Dependence Treatment Among Minors”

This video material was prepared as part of the project “Introducing drug-related treatment for children”, implemented by HOPS – Healthy Options Project Skopje. The video was filmed during the study visit to Vienna, which took place from May 12 to May 14, 2013, attended by representatives of relevant institutions of the Republic of Macedonia working in the field of treatment, rehabilitation and re-socialization of drug users. “Dialog Gudrunstraße”, which is working on treatment, rehabilitation and re-socialization of children who use drugs for several years, hosted the study visit, and the participants also visited other institutions in Vienna specialized for drug addiction or youth care. The objective of this video material is to be used for sharing the experience with other representatives of relevant institutions included in the social and health system of Macedonia and to help in resolving the problem with children who use drugs.