
COPASAH Update on GSHSR, Cape Town

1st October 2014 – Session on Building People Centred Health Systems  Through the Social Empowerment of Marginalised Populations: Moving from Theory to Practice

This COPASAH organised session at the GSHSR at Capetown, South Africa was well attended. E.Premdas Pinto from India chaired the session. Water Flores (Guatemala), Geoffrey (Uganda) and Renu (India) shared experiences of their engagement with the communities and health care system. The experiences focused on organising communities, identifying tensions and conflicts in the process of making health systems  responsive, sensitive and accountable to people and methods of processes of navigating through them.

Barbara from TARSC, Zimbabwe facilitated participatory discussions among participants from various nationalities.  The discussions drew upon the experiences of people who are engaged in participatory and people oriented research.

Ongoing : Market Place
COPASAH has also set up a table in the market place exhibiting the knowledge products and other publications.

For more details CLICK HERE

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