Accountability is again at the focus as there is a transition from Millenium Development Goals (MDG) to Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit 2015 were brought to close (25 – 27 September 2015) in New York for the adoption of the post-2015 development agenda. The new 17 goals, have now have new goal-post 2030!
Whether the goals of MDG are achieved or the goal post is shifted – is a matter of serious introspection. What have we achieved due to MDG in 2015 and how will we evaluate the outcomes of SDG in 2030? What is pretty clear is that SDGs won’t be an end-product alone, and will not be achieved unless the end is in-built into the process for which accountability of those who are responsible for such realisation will be the key to success. Therefore, unless accountability mechanisms are put in place all through, the goal post will , in all likelihood, be shifted again as we have done it already several times in the past: – 1978 (Alma Ata), 2000 (Health for All by 2000) , 2015 (MDG), and now 2030 (SDG)!
Paul Hunt has detailed the importance of accountability in his essay ‘SDGs and the Importance of Formal Independent Review: An Opportunity for Health to Lead the Way’ :
The Highlights:
* Monitoring is not accountability, but one step towards accountability.
* Although experts have a significant role to play, accountability should not be reduced to a technocratic exercise; it should be as transparent, accessible and participatory as possible.
* Accountability at the global level is important, but the primary locus for accountability must be at the national and sub-national levels.
* It is difficult for States at the national-level to hold accountable stakeholders, including non-state actors, for their transnational contributions and commitments to development, such as SDG17. One of the most important roles for global-level accountability is to strengthen accountability for these transnational contributions and commitments.
* Because the SDGs are a colossal challenge of extraordinary complexity, they need to be supported by diverse accountability arrangements, what Kate Donald calls “a web of accountability”.2 It is essential the “web of accountability” includes independent review of stakeholders’ progress, promises and commitments.
Please read on: Essay on Accountability for SDGs by Paul Hunt