AHEAD for World Bank partners in Uganda are advocating to ensure that Sexual Reproductive Health Reproductive becomes a priority for World Bank lending, and is included in policy documents such as Country Assistance Strategy (CAS), Poverty Reduction Strategy (PRS) and the Medium Term Expenditure Frameworks (MTEF) in Uganda.
Financing is central to the health system performance and effectiveness in curbing the unsatisfactory health indicators. An overview of the funding trends indicates a significant increase in the health funds especially from external sources, although these funding increases do not take into account the increase in population, escalating costs of providing care- in part due to the adaptation of new and expensive medical products and technologies. At the implementation level, funding for health programs remains low than required. Further, the poor disbursement of funds to the operational levels and the marked inefficiencies in the use of available funds pose an additional challenge. The public has demonstrated its willingness to pay for services (see deliveries in private health facilities) by participating in the non- state service provision networks by means of private insurance and out of pocket payments.
Read more at http://www.copasah.net/uploads/1/2/6/4/12642634/agha-reproductive_health_financing_policy_brief.pdf