A quick opinion poll on COPASAH communication platforms and knowledge products including the COPASAH Communiqué, cases studies and issue papers was conducted in end of February2015. Social accountability practitioners and readers from diverse backgrounds and nationalities including that of Republic of Kenya, Macedonia, Pakistan, Nepal, United Kingdom, Zambia, India, Bangladesh and Bulgaria provided their insights.
Few amongst the respondents included those who are contributors for the Communiqué and other COPASAH communication platforms.
Reflections of readers and practitioners on COPASAH communication platforms
COPASAH communications products give a chance to connect in a tangible way to the work that community members are doing around the globe. Interesting, informative – helps build a global preservative. It gives us a platform to express the learning and challenges on CBM at an international level. They have different stories about social accountability.
- It has created new way for us for exploring the issue of manual scavenging practice.
- Materials /articles are very useful for advocacy and accountability and highlighting gaps in health rights in different parts of world and people campaigns in accessing the health rights.
- The articles published in the newsletters and resources are very useful, which we are using for information.
- The resources can be used as a reference for various community interventions as well as for evidence based advocacy purpose.
- COPASAH brings many kinds of information for Improving knowledge for CBO’s, social activists,
- We have an initiative in health sector as part of our flagship partnership programme of Pakistan Social Services Partnership (PSSP) together with Governance and Accountability is the feature as cross cutting area in overall programme. Thus we found it beneficial.
- The e-mails from the COPASAH listserv are always helpful in directing us to new writings, projects and workshops in the area of community-led health which keep us updated about the latest developments.
- COPASAH communications and COPASAH products are very useful and appropriate to the kind of health and human rights advocacy work that we do. They are in line with the objectives of People’s Health Movement Kenya.
WRITEBACK on COPASAH Communiqué: Expectations and suggestions
- The articles published in the newsletters and resources are very useful, which we are using for information
- We want some news letters in local languages if possible
- Keep place for regional level issues, promote new writers on social accountability on Health Champions within the health system should be interviewed. We can start “Integrity Idol” for honest health officials and “Champions” for CSO members.
Quarterly Communiqué should · focus on specific countries in regions.
- Provide space for regional language page for bringing different states/ organizations news updating, keep some place for marginalized communities issues
- COPASAH should go for ICT Interventions in all community monitoring process to build a knowledge hub that will spread a whole idea about CMA.
- Include advocacy and success stories. The report and articles should be based on practical experience and there need to a workshop for grassroots organization how to share knowledge. If possible, organize for more capacity building trainings for grassroot health activists.
- Given its unique place between the grassroots and national/international policy, COPASAHshould focus on 1) producing evidence based on grassroots interventions and changes to strengthen better policymaking, and 2) to produce tools and resources that grassroots activists can draw upon in their own social justice work.
- We would like to see COPASAH Communiqué a referent publication with more theoretical background.
- If possible, post the newsletters to regions with limited access to internet. For instance, most regions in countries with negative impacts of extractive industries are the poorest with very poor social-economic and poor technological services.